Let’s Meet!
The DECISIONTREE ENDEAVOUR Private Limited, registered with the Registrar of Companies (CIN-U80904UP2018OPC108310), Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Government of India is committed to bridging the gap between academics and corporate needs of the functional business world for current teaching-learning pedagogy as per NEP 2020.

​Collaborate with DTEPL INDIA
Show Value, Create Experience & always strive to Exceed the Institutional Learning Environment

Ensuring Quality Standards
Strengthening quality assurance and assessment functions
Linking quality and innovation in sector-level policy-making
Defining quality in the light of practical needs
Exploiting the potential of international co-operation in the field of quality
​Data Analysis Interpretation and Visualization
Improving Knowledge Management
Activating communication and co-operation among the participants of the knowledge triangle
Closing knowledge gaps
National and international co-operation of research and development capacities
Supporting the exchange and dissemination of knowledge Sharing good practices
Renewing the initial and in-service training of faculties
Improving Human Efficiency Conditions
Exploring the human resources which may help innovation
Strengthening R&D professionals
Developing career models and competency standards
Training a wider group of participants in the framework of the initial and in-service training of faculties
Strengthening leadership, organisation and organisational development
DTEPL India's Technology Associates